Does Your Loved One Need a Hospital Bed at Home?

Whether due to age, illness, or disability, many people experience difficulties with mobility. In many cases, people that experience mobility impairment may even struggle with movements like getting in or out of a typical mattress. This can severely hamper the quality of one’s rest and the ability of one’s caregivers to help with the daily routine. Thankfully, there is a solution that can greatly increased your loved one’s comfort and make caregiving much easier at the same time: an in-home hospital bed. Hospital beds are easy to adjust by both caregivers and the people actually using the bed. To learn more ways a hospital bed in the home can enhance your quality of life, read on!

Hospital beds greatly aid caregivers. Caregiving can be much more physically demanding than it looks. Getting someone with mobility issues in and out of bed can be quite strenuous. Hospital beds do much of the work for you while also helping you keep “patients” in healthy positions. Many hospital beds also have railings that allow loved ones to compensate with their upper body strength if they are non-ambulatory.

Hospital beds are highly adjustable. Do you need to raise the bed so your loved one can sit down easily from their walker? Or do you need to lower the bed so they can easily transition from their wheelchair? Hospital beds can accommodate a wide range of needs. You can also raise the legs and feet, which can be incredibly helpful for a variety of health issues.

Hospital beds often take up less space. While the benefit may not be immediately apparent, people that utilize wheelchairs and lifts quickly realize that having space to maneuver in the home is at a premium.

These are just a few ways a hospital bed can help improve you or a loved one’s day-to-day life. To learn more about the hospital beds and other mobility products we offer at Mobility Toys, call us at or contact us online today!

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