How to Choose A Mobility Solution For Your Loved One

There are many mobility solutions out there on the market for the elderly and otherwise movement-impaired, and unfortunately this can cause buyer paralysis for many people who really want to find the perfect solution for their loved one. For those who are feeling overwhelmed, Mobility Toys has a few guidelines and tips to consider that will help narrow down your needs and how they best align with the possible options out there.

Examine Living Spaces Closely

While focusing on the needs of your loved one, it is easy to focus on their body and the agency it is losing. However, many people ignore the small ways in which their environment can be tailored to solve the same problems more expensive technology can fix. If high cabinets and shelving are becoming difficult to use, hire a contractor to lower or change the cabinetry and storage options of the space to be more accessible. Another simple tip is to buy soft corner caps for any tables or countertops with sharp edges in the house, to protect against accidental falls. Paying attention to environmental factors is a great way to gain a better understanding of the needs you are trying to meet in your search.

Understand and Consider the Complexity of Movement Solutions

There are many power chairs and stairlifts and other high tech solutions out there which can seem very enticing, and for good reason. Giving your loved ones control and agency over their own movement is an admirable goal. However, there are some who will not have the desire or mental capabilities to understand and remember a huge list of buttons, features, and other minutiae. Talk to your loved one frankly and ask if they would prefer a more streamlined solution. Even if it might be slightly less physically comfortable, simple solutions like threshold ramps and easy to use power chairs might be much more comforting and secure than a more complex, misuse prone solution.

Compare Costs Creatively

Cost can be a big mitigating factor for many potential customers. Mobility solutions can be pricey, and often the newest fanciest options are exceptionally expensive compared to slightly older options. Consider that the previous two steps might help you approach less expensive solutions with a bit of creativity. Doing small house repairs, price comparing, and savvy feature choice are all great ways to ensure that you are getting the most value for your money.

For more information about mobility products in Southern California, visit to shop around or give us a call at 888-466-1650 to speak with an accessibility expert today!

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